IZARA HF D.O.O., ul. heroja Rojška 44, 3000 Celje – gsm.: +38670174497, E-naslov:
Splošni pogoji najema:
Motorhome can be rented by a person over 21 years old and with a valid driving license of at least 3 years, which must be valid at least until the end of the rental. To rent a motorhome, the vehicle must be booked. At the time of the takeover of the vehicle, the lessee must have his valid driving license with him. For travel outside the European Union, the lessee must be allowed to drive a foreign vehicle. The tenant specified in the contract is responsible for the consequences of any breach of the contract. The vehicle is operated by the tenant specified in the contract.
The vehicle must not be put into the subcontractor or put into service by another person.
The tenant commits himself to handling the vehicle as a good master.
Any possible penalties shall be borne by the lessee.
Pets are not allowed in the vehicle (except by prior arrangement).
It is not allowed to smoke in the vehicle.
The renewal of the lease is not possible without the prior permission of the owner of the motorhome.
The lease shall come into force by signing the lease agreement of both contractors and the transit record, the payment of the total amount of the intended lease and payment of the security. The lease ends with the signature of the transit record of both contractors, the settlement of any additional costs, and the return of the eligible security after a thorough inspection of the vehicle. The security shall be returned to the lessee without interest, within 3 days after the conclusion of the lease.
Plačila in doplačila:
The price does not include fuel, parking, tolls, camping and tourist tax.
Upon the takeover, the entire foreseen lease must be paid and the entire security lodged.
Plačilo se nakaže naš trr., odprt pri:
BANKI KOPER št. računa: SI56 1010 0005 4698 586.
NOVA KBM št. računa: SI56 0400 0027 6985478.
The price includes VAT, up to 400 km / day, mandatory and full insurance, car assistance, basic equipment. When renting a vehicle for more than 14 days there are no mileage restrictions.
For each missed hour, EUR 50.
V primeru kajenja oziroma zaznavanja cigaretnega vonja v avtodomu 300 EUR.
Emptying a full toilet bowl is 100 EUR.
Emptying the full container with waste water is EUR 30.
Za vsak dodatni prevožen kilometer 0,30EUR.
Dodatna jeklenka plina 45,00 EUR.
Polnjenje rezervoarja goriva v višini stroškov in dodanih 20 EUR.
Dotočenje tekočine AD Blue v višini stroškov in dodanih 20 EUR.
Izgubljeni ključi in prometno dovoljenje-po veljavnem ceniku.
Cena ne vključuje WC kemikalij in plina.
Pri najemu se plača prevzemne stroške v višini 130 EUR, ki zajemajo stroške primopredaje, WC kemikalije, plin (1 jeklenka), slovenska vinjeta, zunanje in notranje čiščenje. Dodatna plinska jeklenka se zaračuna v višini 45 EUR.
V ceni čiščenja ni vključeno osnovno čiščenje, za bolj umazan se zaračuna 100 EUR.
In the event that on return, it is determined that any deep cleaning in the motorhome is required, but the lessee settles the amount of depth cleaning in the amount of 150 EUR.
Pick up and return vehicle
Acceptance of the vehicle is between 14.00 and 18.00 hours. by agreement. The parties shall examine the vehicle together and sign the vehicle record.
Each customer receives one copy and is the basis for determining possible damage when returning a motorhome.
Vračilo vozila je med 9.00 in 10.00 uro oz. po dogovoru.
On weekend package, pick up the vehicle on Thursdays between 16.00 and 18.00, and return on Monday between 9.00 and 10.00, by agreement.
When taking over, the motorhome has a full tank of fuel, enough fluid in the engine and enough household gas. It has an empty container for drinking water, an empty toilet bowl and a waste water container.
When taking over, the lessee is orally alerted to the special features when driving and using a motorhome.
After the signature of the handover record, the lessee gets the keys and documents of the vehicle.
The tenant returns the motorhome:
osnovno očiščena notranjost (pometen ali posesan avtodom, garažni prostor, očiščen štedilnik, očiščen hladilnik, pomita posoda, očiščena kopalnica,
with an empty container of drinking water,
with an empty container of waste water,
s prazno in temeljito očiščeno WC posodo ter očiščeno školjko WC-ja,
with full fuel tank,
s polno posodo AD Blue tekočine.
Upon return, both parties shall make a record of the vehicle inspection and shall determine the conformity of the vehicle condition with the record at the time of take-over.
In the event of any damage or unfulfilled obligations specified in the contract, they are calculated according to the price list of craftsmen qualified for such repairs or from the price list in the contract.
In case of consent between the parties, the record of the return of the motorhome will be signed by both parties, the keys and the documents of the vehicle returned, and the lease will be terminated. In the event of disagreement, the record of the dispute shall be recorded in the record and a dispute may arise at the competent court in Celje.
Zavarovanje vozila:
Motorhomes are compulsory and fully insured with the insurance company and have car assistance in Slovenia and abroad at the insurance company.
In case of an accident, which is covered by our shelf, the lessee covers the damage of the deductible franchise and the loss of the bonus.
Odgovornost najemnika:
The tenant must lock the truck at the time of leaving the vehicle. Keep the keys and documents of the vehicle securely with you.
The lessee answers unlimitedly:
for injuries on board not occurring in the event of an accident,
for injuries and penalties resulting from failure to comply with regulations, laws, rules ...
The lessee is liable to them both materially and criminally even after the conclusion of the lease, regardless of when it receives a notice of the offense committed or, offenses and penalties. penalties for him.
All interventions in the vehicle without prior agreement with the landlord are prohibited and therefore the costs of repairs are not recognized.
In the event of damage to the vehicle or on-board equipment due to wear and tear, or technical failure, the repair costs are made at the expense of the lessor, and the repair and payment is done in agreement with the lessee.
In the event of damage to the motorhome, the tenant immediately informs the lessor on his mobile phone (tel: +386 070 / 174-497) to jointly decide on further activities (assistance, repair, service, payment ...). If the defect did not arise from the fault of the tenant and was settled by the tenant at the appropriate service, after the arrangement with the lessor, the renter will present the original invoice, which must be read to the owner of the motorhome, upon the return of the motorhome. Only and exclusively in this case, the landlord reimburses the costs incurred to the lessee.
Najemodajalec se v primeru okvare ne obvezuje nadomestiti vozila z nadomestnim, niti ne krije nobenih stroškov, ki bi jih zaradi tega imel najemnik. Najemnik ima pravico do vseh ugodnosti in plačila stroškov, ki jih nudi avtomobilska asistenca, sklenjena pri Zavarovalnici Sava.
If, in the case of a pre-lease, the vehicle is damaged or damaged to such an extent that it is not possible to prepare for the rental of the vehicle, the landlord also does not oblige the reserved vehicle to replace it with an alternative. Each such case is solved individually according to the possibilities of the lessor (repayment of the paid advance, execution of a lease in another term, ...).
In the event of an accident, the tenant must:
fill out the "European accident report" form,
napisati izjavo o ne alkoholiziranosti,
but also report an accident to the police abroad.
V primeru, da po krivdi najemnika zavarovalnica zavrne plačilo škode, jo je dolžan najemnik v celoti poravnati. V primeru, da zavarovalnica krije škodo, pa jo je dolžan najemnik poravnati v višini 1% odbitne franšize in izgubo bonusa za posamezen škodni primer, ki se mu odbije od varščine.
If in the event of an accident, the victim is found to be at risk or gross negligence, the casco insurance is not valid and all the costs of the repair and the absence of income are charged to the lessee.
In case of damage to the vehicle from an unknown person, the lessee is obliged to report the event to the police and obtain a record of the vehicle.
Ob prevzemu vozila je potrebno položiti varščino 1000,00 €, ki se uporabi za plačilo:
a deductible franchise in the event of an accident or theft of a vehicle,
loss of insurance bonus,
missing or damaged equipment,
reasons arising from non-respect of "LOAN TERMS", rules, laws and other regulations.
If the security has not been lodged for various reasons, it will be paid in the event of an accident upon the return of the motorhome. For the damaged vehicle and equipment, the price list of original spare parts and authorized service services is included.
Rezervacija in plačilo:
Plačilo celotnega zneska najema avtodoma skladno z izdanim predračunom poravna najemnik najkasneje 10 dni pred odhodom-začetkom najema
In the event that the lessee does not comply with these payment deadlines, the reservation of a motorhome rental rental is considered to be canceled and the lessor can withhold the advance payment without compensation and is not obliged to reimburse.
Rezervacija-avans znaša 40% zneska najema in se poravna ob prejemu predračuna.
In the case of a written cancellation of the reservation or rental of a motorhome by a tenant of a motorhome, the lessor has the right to reimburse the cancellation of the rental of a motorhome, the amount of which depends on the time of submission of the lessee's cancellation.
The reimbursement of the loss due to the cancellation of the rental of a motorhome consists of administrative costs
a cancellation of € 50 and an amount that depends on the number of days still missing from receipt of a written
cancellation until the beginning of the rental of a motorhome.
If the lease is canceled by the tenant:
več kot 45 dni pred začetkom najemnega obdobja – povrnitev izgube v višini 10% celotne vrednosti najema,
od 21 do 45 dni pred začetkom najemnega obdobja – povrnitev izgube v višini 40% celotne vrednosti najema,
od 20 do 10 dni pred začetkom najemnega obdobja – povrnitev izgube v višini 60% celotne vrednosti najema,
manj kot 10 dni pred začetkom najemnega obdobja – povrnitev izgube v višini 90% celotne vrednosti najema.
In the event that the lessee does not take over the motorhome at the time specified in the Booking Certificate, this is considered as a cancellation of the lease for the reserved period. The lessor reserves the right to withhold the entire paid amount of the motorhome rental fee.
If the lessee at its own discretion interrupts the lease early, as stated in the Motorhome Rental Agreement, the landlord will not in any case reimburse the difference in the amount for the remaining period (unused part) of the motorhome rental on return.
If a renter or landlord fails to lease a rental due to a demonstrable force majeure (death or illness requiring hospital treatment or regular medical care-a certificate from a treating physician), compensation is charged in the amount of 10% of the estimated value.
The lessor charges the administrative costs of cancellation of the rental of a motorhome, even if the tenant himself finds a replacement.
Prepovedana raba avtodoma:
The tenant undertakes to use motorhomes exclusively for tourist purposes, but not for illegal activities.
The use of motorhomes for the lessee is prohibited for:
the participation of a motorhome on motorcycle events or the use of a motorhome as a test vehicle.
za prevoz nevarnih snovi, eksplozivnih, hitro gorljivih, strupenih ali drugače nevarnih snovi.
for the transport of weapons, drugs and the like.
for further leasing.
for driving after wars and other endangered areas.
participation in motor racing.
Najemnik izjavlja da je izrecno seznanjen o spremembah zakona o gostiteljski dejavnosti na Hrvaškem , kateri velja od 01.05.2009 po katerem je kampiranje (to v skrajnem primeru pomeni tudi preprosto prenočevanje v avtodomu ali vsako parkiranje avtodoma izven parkiranju namenjenega prostora) izven kampov na Hrvaškem prekršek, ki se kaznuje z denarno kaznijo. Če gre za tovrstno nedovoljeno kampiranje na zasebnem zemljišču, se lahko inšpektor odloči tudi za takojšnje pečatenje avtodoma za obdobje 60 dni. Odpečatenje avtodoma je kaznivo dejanje. Najemnik se zavezuje, da v primeru uporabe po tej pogodbi najetega avtodoma na Hrvaškem ne bo kršil zgornjega zakona. V primeru kršitve najemnik v celoti odgovarja za vso nastalo škodo, vključno s povračilom celotnega izpada prihodka najemodajalca zaradi nedosegljivosti vozila v času zapečatenja, stroškov prevoza vozila nazaj do najemodajalca po poteku obdobja zapečatenja, škodo, nastalo na avtodomu v obdobju zapečatenja zaradi vandalizma, vloma, kraje, vdora vode, glodavcev ali kakršnekoli druge škode, ki bi nastala najemodajalcu kot posledica nespoštovanja zgornjega zakona.
The contract is written in two copies and comes into force when it is signed by both parties. I, the undersigned, hereby declare that all my personal data and documents are true and that I am aware of the terms and conditions with which I agree with my signature.
Renter (name and surname): ___________________________________________
Title: ________________________________________________________________
Post: _________________________________________________________________
Št. osebnega dokumenta in vozniškega dovoljenja: ___________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________________________
Owner: IZARA HF doo
Title: heroic street Rojška 44
Post office: 3000 Celje
Id for ddv: SI26667746
TIME HAS FROM: _______________________ TO: ____________________________
ШТ. DAYS: ______________________________________________________________
VEHICLE: _____________________________________________________________
REG. NUMBER: _____________________________________________________________
INITIAL STATE OF THE COUNTER: ________________________ KM
FINAL CONDITIONS OF THE COUNTRY: _________________________ KM
DESTINATION: _________________________________________________________